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Real-time observation of interlayer vibrations in bilayer and few-layer graphene.

TitleReal-time observation of interlayer vibrations in bilayer and few-layer graphene.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsBoschetto, D, Malard, L, Lui, CHung, Mak, KFai, Li, Z, Yan, H, Heinz, TF
JournalNano Lett
Date Published2013 Oct 09
KeywordsGraphite, Nanostructures, Particle Size, Spectrum Analysis, Raman, Surface Properties, Vibration

We report real-time observation of the interlayer shearing mode, corresponding to the lateral oscillation of graphene planes, for bi- and few-layer graphene. Using a femtosecond pump-probe technique, we have followed coherent oscillations of this vibrational mode directly in the time domain. The shearing-mode frequency, as expected for an interlayer mode, exhibits a strong and systematic dependence on the number of layers, varying from 1.32 THz for the bulk limit to 0.85 THz for bilayer graphene. We explored the role of interactions with the external environment on this vibrational mode by comparing the response observed for graphene layers supported by different substrates and suspended in free space. No significant frequency shifts were observed.

Alternate JournalNano Lett.
PubMed ID24047242