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Tightly bound excitons in monolayer WSe(2).

TitleTightly bound excitons in monolayer WSe(2).
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsHe, K, Kumar, N, Zhao, L, Wang, Z, Mak, KFai, Zhao, H, Shan, J
JournalPhys Rev Lett
Date Published2014 Jul 11

Exciton binding energy and excited states in monolayers of tungsten diselenide (WSe(2)) are investigated using the combined linear absorption and two-photon photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy. The exciton binding energy is determined to be 0.37 eV, which is about an order of magnitude larger than that in III-V semiconductor quantum wells and renders the exciton excited states observable even at room temperature. The exciton excitation spectrum with both experimentally determined one- and two-photon active states is distinct from the simple two-dimensional (2D) hydrogenic model. This result reveals significantly reduced and nonlocal dielectric screening of Coulomb interactions in 2D semiconductors. The observed large exciton binding energy will also have a significant impact on next-generation photonics and optoelectronics applications based on 2D atomic crystals.

Alternate JournalPhys. Rev. Lett.
PubMed ID25062219