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Strong enhancement of light-matter interaction in graphene coupled to a photonic crystal nanocavity.

TitleStrong enhancement of light-matter interaction in graphene coupled to a photonic crystal nanocavity.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsGan, X, Mak, KFai, Gao, Y, You, Y, Hatami, F, Hone, J, Heinz, TF, Englund, D
JournalNano Lett
Date Published2012 Nov 14

We demonstrate a large enhancement in the interaction of light with graphene through coupling with localized modes in a photonic crystal nanocavity. Spectroscopic studies show that a single atomic layer of graphene reduces the cavity reflection by more than a factor of one hundred, while also sharply reducing the cavity quality factor. The strong interaction allows for cavity-enhanced Raman spectroscopy on subwavelength regions of a graphene sample. A coupled-mode theory model matches experimental observations and indicates significantly increased light absorption in the graphene layer. The coupled graphene-cavity system also enables precise measurements of graphene's complex refractive index.

Alternate JournalNano Lett.
PubMed ID23043452